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Tyler Watkins Luc Michael Mascioli Greg Ciligot

Jamie Bekyarovich



Revolution is a Young Metal Band.
Members include Jamie Bekyarovich (lead guitarist, organist,pianist,band composer),
Gregory Ciligot (drumer), Luc Michael Mascioli (Bassist), Tyler Watkins (Vocalist),


Lead Guitarist "Jamie Bekyarovich" on a search with the hope to form a band that would forever change the way music is played found drummer Greg Ciligot. Together Jamie and Greg began to write and arrange original music. As time went by Vocalists and Bassists have come and gone... until Bassist Luc Michael and Front Man/Vocalist Tyler Watkins were asked to audition. When the four united and began to add their own personal touch and style to their music, it created something enormous, something Violent.. It created Revolution. Since then the band has been Writing, Recording, Opening, and occasionally Headlining, all while building up a fan base and a following.


Witness The Prodigal Phenomena.

Front Man/Vocalist Tyler Watkins, Lead Axe Man Jamie Bekyarovich, Blistering Bassist Luc Michael, and Thunderous Drummer Greg Ciligot. We Are Revolution. Four highly talented young musicians that launch an assault on corruption and uncultivated demeanour around the world with Piercing Progressions, Thunderous Melodies, and a Lyrical Attack that will not be forgotten. Together we write and arrange some of the best Metal music the world will come to here.

We Are Loud, We Are Relentless, We Are Revolution!


Revolution Rock Band Copyright 2013©